You can save thumbnails of the repaired images.

The software facilitates recovery of multiple JPEG images in a single operation.

EasyBatchPhoto for Mac OS v.3.0.3 Whether youre a webmaster or a photographer, you will appreciate the power and speed of EasyBatchPhoto.BatchXport Pro v.6.2.4 BatchXport Pro automatically exports QuarkXPress document content to XML - suitable for database applications and ePaper - or HTML, including contained images to JPEG as well as page and/or article PDFs.Extract QuarkXPress documents to XML or HTML including to an article belonging images to JPEG as well as pages and/or. BatchXport Document Exporter v.6.2.4 BatchXport is a fully automated application to make multiple types of extracts out of QuarkXPress documents found in hotfolders.Batch Convert Image v.4.3 1)You can convert files from usual formats to JPEG with the ability to add prefix and suffix to the name, make the name uppercase, lowercase, beginning with upcase.Convert or compress multiple photos at once with batch conversion. Pixillion Plus Edition for Mac v.8.59 Pixillion Image Converter Software Plus is perfect for converting your image files for posting on the web, emailing to friends, or storing on your mobile phone.HoudahGeo writes EXIF and XMP geotags to JPEG and RAW image files.

Use HoudahGeo to attach GPS coordinates and location names to your photos. HoudahGeo v.5.2.2 HoudahGeo is a photo geocoding and geotagging tool.Before converting your file Pixillion allows you to view the image. It can convert files from and to JPEG and other file formats like gif, tiff, png, pdf and more. Pixillion Free Mac JPG Converter v.2.60 Pixillion is a free JPEG and image file format conversion software for Mac OS X.Before converting your file Pixillion allows you to view the image within the applic. Pixillion Plus Mac JPEG/Image Converter v.2.56 Pixillion is a JPG and image file format conversion software for Mac OS X.